Counselor -



Being able to tell your story

What could be nicer to just tell your story, talk to someone who offers a listening ear and that you can share your worries, loneliness or sadness. Our coaches take all the time for you because a listening ear can be very important and pleasant. It can be about anything, what’s on your mind right now or just because there’s someone on the other end of the line if you could use a helping hand.

It is a nice quality when someone in your environment can offer a listening ear in a good way. On the other hand, this is very rare or sometimes it is about a personal matter that you would rather not want your social environment to know about. Conscious listening is an art in itself.

Listening without judgment

Finding a counselor or a coach is not always easy. Loneliness or fear can play a role in this. Not being able to talk can be very frustrating and cause you physical and/or mental complaints. At TopConsulenten you will always find a listening ear, someone who will listen to you without any judgment and help you. You decide when you want to talk and what you want to talk about. Don’t bottle it up and air your heart out. A good conversation helps!

Profile image of Lady M 184
Box: 787

Vollemaankorting Geboren Medium met Helderziend,voelend,Manifesteren,Tweelingzielen,Zuiver,Coach,geluk,soulmates,spirtueel ontwaken,codepentie

Profile image of Shereen 122
Box: 918

Helderziend, ruikend, - en voelend paragnost! Healing op afstand! Kundalini expert. Actie op healings!

Profile image of Mandy 147
Box: 726

Sterk heldervoelend, -wetend, -horend en -ziend. Transformatief coachen, oplossingsgericht, direct en duidelijk.

Profile image of Kamila 129
Box: 811

Liefdevol vertaal ik energie, heldervoelend-wetend-ziend soms horend. Coaching, krachtige healing, transformatie, mindfullness, zielsconnecties.

Profile image of Shakira 63
Box: 503

Powerful Clairsentient, Energetic, Spiritual, Cultural, Dreaming, Financial, Seeing Love, Work & Advice, Goal & Solution Focused (Also English)

Profile image of Christian 49
Box: 242

Helderheid en inzichten voor relaties, werk en groei. Praktisch, eerlijk en gericht op rust, balans en een diepere verbinding.

Profile image of Debjaniv 70
Box: 226

Helderziend, voelend, horend, Gespecialiseerd in zielenconnecties relaties, trauma, en complexe situaties. oplossingsgericht

Profile image of Maia 121
Box: 623

WELKOM! ik ben Maia en begeleid je graag op je pad. Welke vraag je ook hebt, ik kan je helpen oa (zakelijke) coaching, HSP, Tweelingzielen, burn-out

Profile image of Dirkje 73
Box: 668

*HELDER Voelend & Wetend - Sterk in Invoelen personen/relaties/connecties - Ervaren ENERGIEwerker - TAROT Expert - Manifesteren - LIEFDE - AARDEN *

Profile image of Niset 83
Box: 856

Sterk helderziend in beelden, Invoelen op Liefdes Relaties, Snel jouw antwoorden, Toekomst invoelen, Werk, Zielslagen, Diepgaande healing op afstand.

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